Thursday, 17 May 2007

Scan results are in - Good news we have shrinkage

Hi Everyone,
its Natalie here Bernies (Bernadette to everyone else) little sister in london, playing PA again.. The results of the latest scan are in – its good news – the cancer has shrunk. Mass 1 (the original cancer) in the last scan was 47mm X 47mm this one has now shrunk to 12mm X 25mm. Mass 2 (the second cancer they found in Feb) in the last scan was 26mm X 26mm and this one has shrunk to 12mm X 18mm. During this round, she did get rather sick, and needed to spend a few days in intensive care as she got a few infections which she caught from her own body. But her determined fighting attitude and the wonder of modern medicine, she is now feeling much much better (she has started bossing us all around again and giving us orders) and is recovering well. She still has a few tummy problems but hopefully they will also get better soon. Mum has been at the hospital at lot helping take care of her.

They are planning on starting round 2 (her 2nd stem cell transplant process) on around the 29th May (as long as she has recovered enough by then otherwise it might be slightly delayed). She will start by having 6 days of high dose chemo called BEAM, and then she will get given some of her stem cells back at day 7 and then she will need to rest and recover. We hope she will recover in the same speedy time as she has for round 1 (the doctors have been impressed with her quick recovery). Then she will have about 1 month to recover and then they will start a month of radiation treatment, and (cross our fingers) she will be cancer free (in remission).. BUT, if at the end of all of this, if that stubborn cancer is still there, the doctors now know of a few other types of high dose treatments that can be used. And she will still have enough stem cells for at least another 2 stem cell transplants (if that cancer thinks it can win, it doesn’t really know who it is fighting, my sister is more stubborn and will fight stronger than anything, so if it knows what is best for it, it should just give up now).

Bernie requests, that if everyone can pray to Catherine McAuley for her to make a complete healing.

Bye for now - Nat


Anonymous said...

Hi Bernadette,

Its great news, glad the treatment is working!! My sincere apologies - in my comment sent yesterday I inadvertently named 'Mary McKillop' as the saint I am praying to - I meant Catherine McAuley. All the very best Bernadette, hope the tummy upset settles down.
Love & prayers, Mary-Ann Cassar

Anonymous said...

Hi Bernie and Nat. Bernie we have just been reading your blog (and even a little bit more about Catherine McAuley!) for the first time, and I became hooked - I have been glued to my laptop in tears for the past hour! I am so incredibly touched by your amazing positive attitude and appreciation for all the wonderful little things in life (like chicken soup!) despite everything you've been through. You truly are an inspiration and your writing shows how committed you are (in body and mind), to a complete recovery. Even though it sounds like you still have a bit of a bumpy road ahead, your recent scan results look really promising! Keep up the good work... I hope I can be even half as strong as you if life deals me an unfortunate hand. Best wishes, Jodi (and Mark!). PS> your babies are just beautiful :)

Unknown said...

Hi Bernie,

Thats excellent news, so glad the treatment is working. Your attitude & determination is amazing. We wish you all the best for the road ahead to recovery.

Love the london mob
Daniel, Roslyn & Emily

Dianna said...

Hi Bernie & Nat
It is so good to hear your news about your treatment. Mark, Jelly Bean and I are so happy for you.
We are thinking of you always and praying for you.
Love Dianna

Anonymous said...

Brilliant news! Sending positive energy your way for continued good news.

Sarah said...

Excellent news, Bernadette. We are all thinking of you and hoping that you beat this thing soon. Sounds like you are well on the way!

Love and best wishes

Sarah and Peter