Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Want a laugh

I am entering modern times and have worked out (with a little help from Nat, Ben and Tim) how to put some video of the kids up on the net. So if you want a good laugh (they are both little performers) then click on the following link. Whenever I put new video up I will put a link from my blogg.

I had a lovely day yesterday. Nat and mum and Becky, a friend that I have not seen for about 12 years, picked me up and we went to Tiernan's dance class. Tiernan goes to dance classes on a Tuesday with Greta and Mia (Jane's girls). They have a great time and we always wonder how the teacher has the patience to teach a group of 3 year olds! I then spent the rest of the afternoon at home and it was lovely to just be at home. Amanda and Joel came over and picked up Tiernan for a sleepover and I was able to spend some one on one time with Arielle whilst Cam worked out in the yard preparing for laying the turf on the weekend. I made spaghetti for dinner which I thoroughly enjoyed as it is my all time favourite food. Then Cam and Arielle brought me back in here. Today I am going to go out with my mum's group to the museum and then I am getting an extra special night at home - yipee! My counts are taking a nose dive so I am probably going to require transfusions and start getting unwell so they decided to let me have one last bout of freedom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right! Vidio is great! Cheeky little squits!!You sound so full of life. Keep up the good work,so far so good. Looking forward to seeing you on the weekend.