Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Fantastic News

This photo is very rare - as Cam has just laid our lawn on the weekend we are actually allowed to use our hose to water the lawn for days. Tiernan was helping Cam water the lawn and seeing as he had an audience that would laugh at him (dad, Nat, mum, Ben and I) he decided to attack Cam with the hose!!!

Here are a few updated photos of the house - more will come soon

Kids playroom


Pool and poolhouse

A few adorable photos of dad with Arielle - don't they make your heart melt!! Arielle just loves her nunnu!

Well I had another stem cell collection today and all went well. The stem cells were collected from 7.30am to 11.30am. Nat, mum and Nunna then came in to visit and spent the afternoon with me. We had a lovely visit and it was fantastic to catch up with Nunna again. They had spent the morning with the kids and Tiernan was very excited and loved taking Nunna on a tour of the house and explaining how everything in the pool worked (he knows more about the pool pumps than I do!).

Where is the fantastic news part you ask - well as I previously mentioned they take two lots of stem cells to make sure they get enough for a transplant. The counts from yesterday's collection were not available this morning and it is highly unusual to get enough stem cells in one collection so they went ahead with today's collection. This afternoon I found out that yesterday's collection collected 17 million stem cells which is close to a record for a single collection. I only needed 5 million for my transplant!! So once they take into account today's collection I will have enough stem cells for multiple transplants should I ever need them. The even better news is that this means that after the next round of ESHAP chemo I will not have to have the high doses of Neupogen and so hopefully this will mean a lot less bone pain. And even better news is that I may be allowed home tomorrow and if not tomorrow definitely Thursday - I am absolutely thrilled!!


Anonymous said...

That is fantastic news. The photos are so wonderful, not only your house but your children. That pool and the pool house are so so cool! I love how you talk about appreciating the "normal" things, the grocery shopping etc. it is a reminder to us all to never stop being grateful, life as you are clearly showing us Bernadette, is fragile. Thank you for showing your strength and spirit all the way to me here in New Jersey! Take care..... nina

Anonymous said...

Great news -glad to read that things are going as well as can be expected - I enjoyed the picture of Cam getting soaked - mind you it is a lot more bearable in Auz then in dull and dreary England (but in England you do not need the hose you just go outside ).

Ciao Bella